Hi, I’m Christen and I have many obsessions. Quilting, for me, was the answer for finding a way to channel all those passions into one field and find a place for the chaos.
Do you know what passion is defined as?
A “strong and barely controllable emotion”.
If that doesn’t describe the way I see myself, I don’t know what does
My biggest Passion? – Creating beautiful things.
I am an artist to my very core. I’ve spent many years trying to channel my artistic tendencies into something that would suffice as a “real job”… only to be left empty, never really ‘fulfilled’. Maybe you can relate too? Maybe not.
It is only in recent years that I’ve discovered that creating art for other people doesn’t inspire my soul. Creating beautiful things that are every single bit me without a care what other people think is what brings me joy. Sure, I still want to be accepted and liked. I’m only human after all. I still do the jobs that bring in money.
Being an adult is what it is. “Do what you have to do so that you can do what you want to do”. In the tiny scraps of spare time, I squeeze out time to do what I want to do. Quilt.
When I found quilting, it’s as if my heart had found its home. And it does feel like home each and every time I finish a new quilt.
I want other people to find this much happiness with scraps of fabric and a constant state of less-than-tidy craft space.
I hope you’ll follow me and share my rose-colored glasses and wanderlust for the quilting world!
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