If you’re looking for a way to create personalized swag for your creative business, look no further! No matter where you are in your business, it is a good time to start researching swag gear for your creative business!
Swag is a great way to show your customers that you appreciate their support. It also helps to promote your brand and create a connection with your customers. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of swag that you can create, as well as the importance of having professionally created swag gear.
What exactly is swag? Swag is a term that is often used in the business world to describe promotional products or items. In most cases, swag is given to customers or potential customers as a way of thanking them for their support or as a way of advertising your brand.
What You Need To Know: Small Business Swag
Yay for you! You found a way to take a passion/hobby of yours and turn it into a business where you can make money AND get to create beautiful things! What a great combination! This is like the ultimate holy grail of crafting wishes – To have something that you love doing and have someone pay you for it!
What can swag gear do for your creative business?
Swag can do a lot for your business, but let’s start with the basics. It is a tangible item that you give to someone in order to promote or show gratitude towards them. Swag can also be seen as a bribe – “Hey if you buy my thing I’ll give you this cool thing!”
Simply put, swag promotes your brand for you. Two things to remember: People love free stuff and they LOVE to show off the companies that they love.
It is a good way to keep your name in front of your customers so they remember you and remember to return to you and your shop.
You can increase exposure.
When people see swag from companies they love, they are more likely to share that swag with others (and tell them where they got the swag!).
Swag provides memorability. People love swag because it’s fun and interesting. They also like to show off the companies that they love, which means more exposure for you.
The point of swag isn’t just getting free stuff; It’s creating an opportunity for connection between businesses and customers by giving them something useful or meaningful that represents who they are as a business owner/company representative while building trust among consumers through customized promotional products showcasing their personal style choices too
What kind of swag is most popular?
There are many different types of swag gear for your creative business that you can create for your customers. Some of the most popular items include tote bags, hats, stickers, patches, and T-shirts. However, there are many other options available, so be sure to explore all of your possibilities. When choosing what type of swag to create, it’s important to consider your customer – what would they like to have? let’s look at a few companies that have been doing this for a while and see what their strategy is.
What are some of the most recognizable swag gifts?
Some of the most recognizable swag gifts are coffee mugs, mousepads, and pens. These swag ideas are great for those on a budget or who just want to keep things simple. It’s easy to create swag items that will catch people’s attention without breaking the bank!
Does it have to cost a lot to order in bulk?
Absolutely not! There are many options for swag gear for your creative business available at a low cost. It is important to keep in mind that swag should be fun and unique, so don’t get too caught up in trying to find the perfect swag item. The most important thing is that your customers enjoy it!
How much should I spend on each swag gear for my creative business?
There is no set answer to this question – it really depends on what type of swag you choose and how many you order. It also depends on the size of your business. However, as a general rule, it is best to keep your costs low so that you can order more swag (and give it away to more people)!
What swag gifts should I look for?
What does your audience like? Do you know what do they need? Better yet, what can you afford to give away without breaking the bank? When looking for swag gifts, it’s important to consider all of these factors. If you’re not sure what your audience would like, ask them! Survey customers or hold a contest on social media to see what type of swag they would most like to receive.
If you’re not sure, ask them! Contact a few family members or friends and help them brainstorm with you. They should be more than happy to give you some ideas or at least give you a second opinion.
Why is swag important for a small business?
Swag is an important part of any marketing strategy, but it’s especially important for small businesses. Small businesses often don’t have the same resources as larger companies, so they need to grow in every way shape and form to maintain success.
The best way to share about your company is through word of mouth.
It is also important to have swag because it shows people who you are as a company while helping build relationships with customers through personalized promotional products showcasing their personal style choices too!
The big question – Does swag gear for your creative business help with customer loyalty?
Ok so now we know that it doesn’t have to cost a TON of money to get started with a little swag, but… does swag actually work?
It can feel counterproductive at first… to SPEND more money (part of your profits even!) to purchase swag that you’re going to give away for free.
But swag is an important part of marketing, and it’s a great way to show your customers that you appreciate them. Studies show that a customer is more likely to stick with you if they feel like they’re a part of something special.
Swag can play an important role in your business by reinforcing customer loyalty, as well as helping to attract new customers. It also provides a way for you to connect with your customers on a personal level. As we all know, people do business with those they know, like and trust!
But… What if I am just starting out?
If you are just starting out, it is important to think about what the swag gear for your creative business can do for you. Swag can help increase brand awareness and exposure, connect with customers on a personal level, and create customer loyalty.
When selecting swag items, be sure to choose something that is fun and unique. Something that will make your personality (or the personality of your business) shine through. You want something that someone looks at and makes them think of you and the lovely experience they had working with you!
*How to find the right Swag*
- Try to find something that your customer will likely use every day. (Do you see why promotional pens are such a popular idea?)
- Try to look for something that isn’t so so common that it’ll just get thrown in the endless pit that is the junk drawer. Eventually awaiting the next time someone cleans it out to throw it in the trash.
- Research companies that specialize in promotional swag gifts. and see where your budget falls. Obviously, there is a greater discount if you order in bulk… but maybe you don’t need 600,000 flashlights with your name on them for your craft booth??
It is a careful balance based on what you can use and what will serve your business just right.
My Personal Two Cents: My Favorite Swag Product recommendations:
I love swag products that are useful and practical. If you can’t find something practical that your customer will want to keep and use and is in your budget… The other option is to make your swag gift something that your customer will want to proudly display.
I don’t like to feel like a walking billboard. If a product isn’t useful, it needs to be pretty. (absolute bonus if it is both!) I would suggest staying away from items with your logo on it. These tend to be thrown in the trash after a few uses… or lost forever before they’re even used once! PS – Read the example below. You’ll understand why it is good to steer clear of using your logo.
You could have a graphic artist create a design that speaks to a common interest or a popular mantra/phrase.
Let me share an example from one of my marketing projects years ago (before I was a quilt blogger, I was a marketing director and freelance graphic artist)
Put yourself in your customer’s shoes.
A Marketing Example:
Let’s say you visit a local farmers market. A farmer gives you one of their new FREE stickers with your purchase: It has the farm logo on it. It’s cute. It feels fresh and updated as their trying to rebrand their company. You take it and say thank you.
When young et home and you put away your peaches, you pull out the sticker… Do you have room for a random sticker from the farmer that you just met and purchased peaches from? He was nice, but unless you’re absolutely obsessed with peaches or you’re an avid follower of the farmer… I’m going to guess the answer is that the sticker is going to be lost or trashed eventually.
You might keep it for a little while. It is a perfectly good sticker and you feel guilty throwing it away, but ultimately… it will end up in the trash. (This is so absolutely me. I hate to let things go to waste!)
This situation is super familiar to me from my marketing days.
Now let’s imagine a different scenario… you go to buy peaches and the nice farmer has the same excellent and knowledgeable customer service. As you check out with your fruit bounty, he hands you a FREE sticker that is a gift. It is just a token of his appreciation for your support. It has a cute colorful picture of a peach and a catchy well designed phrase that reads, “Life is just peachy”.
You think it is a super clever saying and you absolutely love the cute peach design. You put it on your laptop, water bottle, or in one of those special places in your office (like a favorite journal or planner).
The next time someone sees this sticker, they ask about it… because after all – how could you not? It’s adorable! And then you share about the day you stumbled upon this random pop-up farmers market and bought fresh fruit for your picnic that weekend.
Do you see the difference in the two situations above? It’s the exact same product but the frame of focus is completely different. One sticker is completely focused on the farmer and his rebranding. The other sticker is focused on the customer experience and the farmer’s genuine appreciation for loyal business.
The second sticker will be kept, used, and admired. It becomes a conversation starter and helps to build brand loyalty because the customer feels appreciated. The customer continues to enjoy their sticker. They feel like they are part of something special. Being associated with a cool farmers market that has an original design/phrase on their swag gear.
There is no wrong answer when it comes to choosing swag products for your customers – as long as you put yourself in their shoes! What would THEY love to receive? What would make THEM feel special and appreciated?
If you can nail down the perfect swag gift for your customers, they will love you for it (and tell all their friends too!)
So… What companies work with smaller quantity orders, but still deliver stellar customer service?
I’ve worked with a ton of companies throughout my marketing career and again as a business owner.
I love a company that doesn’t make me feel like just another $ dollar $ sign on their monthly revenue. If I have a question about my order, I don’t want to feel like I’m emailing an endless void hoping for some poor intern to stumble across it… (I know, my standards are high, right? 😂)
The point is that I feel like what I do matters and I want to support a company that feels the same way.
I like sharing the companies and products that I have used and loved myself. Allow me to introduce another gem that you’re going to love. Sticker Mule. After you’re done reading this… go ahead and go visit their site. You’ll love it. They are so much more than stickers, but since we went into great detail with the farmer story above and the peach sticker… check out their superior sticker ordering process here.
The Takeaway:
When creating swag for your customers, think about what they will want to use and/or display. If it isn’t practical or pretty, your swag could get tossed aside eventually. Try to find a balance between the two that fits well within your budget! And don’t forget to say thank you! 🙂
Thank you for reading! I hope this gives you some ideas on how to create personalized swag for your customers. Whether it’s custom keychains, t-shirts, or laptop stickers, swag gear is a great way to show your appreciation and build brand loyalty. What are your favorite swag ideas? Share in the comments down below – I would love to hear from you! 🙂 Have a wonderful day! 🙂