You may have found this page because, in a moment of pure panic, you turned to google because your lovely beautiful quilt is bleeding fabric dye where it shouldn’t. How do you stop a bleeding quilt? — It is all going to be ok!
I might live under a rock at times… I think all mommas sometimes do, right? If you do too, then I’m about to blow your mind. Have you heard of these Shout Color Catchers? When I came across these…. ooooh… the light rays shined!
They’re going to be your new best friend!
I’m always up for something that makes my job easier…
I’ve been making more and more quilts over the years for other people; I want them to maintain the best color quality possible, so they look just like the day they were created for years to come. Do I always prewash my fabrics to prevent color dye from spreading?…. um… so, about that…
Honestly moment…
No, usually, I get excited about a project and jump in with a pair of scissors and rotary blades flying and get started right away! I don’t always pre-wash my fabric… ok ok… most of the time I don’t even think about prewashing it. Does this make me a bad quilter? Not when I have a little secret up my sleeve.
I’ve been using the Shout Color Catcher on my Quilts and …wow
So these shout color catchers… They are single-use sheets that go in with your non-sorted laundry that claim to “absorb and trap loose dyes in your wash water, protecting clothes against color bleeds and helping preserve original colors” (a quote from the Shout Color Catchers website).
Before I gift a quilt…
I wash every single quilt before I give it to its final recipient. Always. I need to know what it is going to do in the wash…I want the quilt to be used and loved over and over again! I want to make sure it can withstand many washes over the years.
I’ve never had one have any big surprises and completely fall apart or anything, so call me crazy for still thinking it still could happen one day. I would rather have it happen in my washing machine than someone else’s.
These babies are my secret weapon.
I usually throw one of these color catchers in with any quilt I’m washing for the first time as an insurance policy.
I’ll even wash it again with another color catcher if its a really bold bright quilt. Double Insurance Policy. (*It’s like the equivalent of a pinky promise between me and my quilts*)
I’ve even used the shout color catcher to clean up a quilt that bled a little when I forgot to put in the color catcher sheet. Does anyone else have those sleep-deprived brain moments?
So have I convinced you that these need to sit on your laundry shelf yet?
You can find them in the laundry aisle of your grocery store, or you can prime order them from Amazon (woot-woot!), and they are worth every single penny when it comes to quilting!
For more tips on what you should do when you gift a quilt, click on over to this article 4 Important Things to Include when you gift a quilt.