Quilts are wonderful gifts, aren’t they? It is a gift that keeps on giving through chilly nights and can be passed down from generation to generation to show more and more love. There are four Important Things to Include When You Gift A Quilt! (don’t skip #4, ok?)

Don't forget these 4 things when you gift a quilt! They're easy and add just a little extra special-ness!

Most people don’t know of the behind the scenes work that goes into making a quilt… waiting for the moment of inspiration to hit, the planning, finding the perfect pattern, the shopping for the fabric, the time it takes to piece, rip apart, piece again, trim, quilt, bind, etc. etc etc. And it goes on and on.

Us quilters, we get it. It is a literal work of blood sweat and tears on every project…

What keeps us coming back again and again?…

We love it.

I may utter some different phrases while I’m holding my seam ripper for the 1000th time, but I love it. Taking scraps and pieces of string and making into something beautiful…

4 Important Things to Include When You Gift A Quilt

    1. A Quilt Label

      It can be as complex as a custom embroidered label or as simple as a printed label.

      The Stack and Wack Quilt Method is a method that doesn't require precise piecing and allows for whimsy to take place. Check out this FREE tutorial and see how easy it is to make your own Stack and Wack quilt!
      This is an example from one of my quilts.

      Before I was able to embroider my own labels, I put one of these on each of my quilts. I purchased them from an Etsy shop. You can find labels of all sizes and shapes that are easy to order and personalize.
      Don't forget these 5 things when you gift a quilt! They're easy and add just a little extra special-ness!
      I found these cute labels on Amazon that were a good buy and were so cute! I’ll be ordering these as soon as I go through my etsy stash!

2. A Key or short explanation & Quilt Care Instructions

If this is a quilt that you’ve added special touches to you need to write it down. Even if the person receiving the quilt isn’t the sentimental type, this quilt is a part of you and no doubt you’ve made several choices that affected the outcome of the final piece.

A lot of people will see just a quilt. But you will see 1,000 decisions made one by one.

If you chose the rose-colored border because it reminds you of the flowers your grandmother grew in her garden, you should tell her.

If a quilt is made from scraps and pieces from various pieces of clothing, document it! There are stories for quilts out there that have been lost with the generations before us because no one thought to tell them!

Don’t be like them!

You also have to include quilt care instructions with your quilt! I have seen so many quilts ruined in the wash simply because people didn’t know proper quilt care… and that is just not ok!

I have created a FREE download that you can include with your quilts to solve this problem! It also includes a bonus Quilt History sheet as well!

Fill out the quick form below and I’ll e-mail you a copy for FREE! 🙂

3. A Gift Tag

I have a free download to some really fun gift tags.

This was created one day to not only to act as an icebreaker when people received a handmade gift from me but because they made me laugh. I constantly go through this cycle of creating gifts with my hands that aren’t always easy to create, and you know what?… sometimes I would just like it to be acknowledged.

That is all. You’re welcome to use them too because I like to share! 🙂

These sassy printable gift tags are available for FREE download! Perfect for use on every single gift DIY gift!

Click Here to Get Access to the FREE (truly honest) gift tags

Edit: Because my sassy gift labels have been such a huge hit, I created a few more downloadable printables! There is another pretty file just for us crafty creatives with 3 pages of fun labels as well as a Christmas themed file too! I also included a “care” tag so your recipient will know how to take care of their newly sewn quilt/gift when the time comes… thanks to a suggestion from another one of my lovely readers! Thank you!

Add a little spice to your Crafty/DIY gifts this year with this instant download that you can print at home! 12 different designs and a whole lot of Christmas fun! USE CODE: HOLLY FOR 25% off!

4. Remember to take Photos!

Make sure that you take photos of the quilt before you gift it – Last but not least… This is for your own records.

I promise you, as tough as this quilt was to make and no matter how much you think you’ll never forget it… take photos. Take lots of photos.

* Quilt folded nicely
* The quilt front and back in its entirety
* A “beauty shot” of it nicely thrown over a pretty chair
* At least one picture with you and the giftee and the quilt, if you can.
Years down the road you’ll be so glad that you did!

If you remember to check off these 4 things to do when you gift a quilt you will have years of your work documented. You will be so happy you have left your legacy of little quilts as best as you possibly can!

Now, go make some more beautiful things! <3

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