Crafters, Quilters, and Sewers – this is your time to shine! Amazon Prime Day is coming up soon and there are some amazing deals on offer for you. This year, Amazon is going to put together another special section of deals on their website. You can find everything from sewing machines to fabric to patterns, scissors, irons special notions and more! Take advantage of these deals while they’re available – the sale only lasts for 36 hours!

Amazon Prime Day starts TODAY with early deals – It launches July 12the -13th! If you haven’t heard about Prime Day before, it’s a once-a-year HUGE sale at Amazon — like, 100,000 items get put on sale.  It’s bigger than Black Friday for Amazon.


I’m a Prime member (and you have to be to get these deals). I’ll be adding to my shopping list for myself and my family — and I thought you might like to know about these deals, too. But be warned — it’s addicting. 🙂

If you’re not an Amazon Prime member, don’t worry!

  • Two adults can also share one Prime membership by linking their accounts with Amazon Household.

Remember: Prime Day is exclusive to Amazon Prime members. So sign up for your free 30-day trial so you can shop the sale!


Prime Day will feature more than two million deals globally, and they move fast.

  • Electronics like Kindles, Echos, FitBits, etc. (lots of Amazon devices!)
  • Instant Pots and Cookware
  • Tools
  • Toys and games (think early Christmas shopping)
  • Craft supplies (yes, even Cricut machines!)
  • Grocery, cleaning and pantry items
  • Gift cards


  1. If you don’t already have Amazon Prime, sign up for a free 30-day trial so you’re ready to take advantage of the deals if one of your items goes on sale.
  2. “Watch” the deals you like by tapping the “Watch this deal” button on items in the Amazon app and you’ll get an alert when the sales go live.
  3. Search “sneak peek” within the Amazon app and get a preview of some of the deals. (this usually goes live the week before Prime Day)
  4. You may want to bookmark this page of Lightning Deals – they tend to go FAST and are only offered in limited quantities.
  5. Make a list of things you need or have been meaning to buy. Go ahead and tap “Add To List” on anything you want, even if you have no idea whether there will be a deal. You’ll get a notification on the app if/when they go on sale!
  6. Get the Amazon app and log in for the first time, and you’ll get a $10 credit! The Amazon app can be used to add items you would like to purchase to a watch list. You will then be notified when the item goes on sale. Click here to get the app.
  7. If you’re going to be away from your computer, make sure you have your phone ready to make a purchase. Enter your username and password into your phone so you don’t have to search for them last minute.
  8. Set an alarm so you don’t miss out on the deals! Some of them are limited and they go fast!

You can learn more about Prime Day and see a sneak peek of the deals here.

2022 Prime Day Deals!

Remember: Prime Day is exclusive to Amazon Prime members. So sign up for your free 30-day trial so you can shop the sale!

I will compile all of my 2022 Prime Day favorites on my website on this page and add to it as deals are announced! Go check it out to peruse my deal predictions (based on obsessive shopping the last several years!!) and check it often as I will be updating it throughout the entire 2-day event.

Visit my Amazon Page for my favorite Prime Day deals!

What are your predictions for the best deals this year? What would you love to see on sale?? Leave a comment below!

See you on Prime Day! 🙂 crafters, quilters, and fabric-lovers rejoice – Amazon Prime Day is almost here!

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