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It’s that time again! It’s Fave Fabric Friday! – Time to take a bit of a break from the everyday quilt tutorials and sewing tips… I love to give credit where its due and all the beautiful quilts in the world wouldn’t stand a chance if it weren’t for the brilliant people who design the fabric! Today we’re going to focus on Pat Bravo.
Pat Bravo
Maybe you don’t recognize fabrics by their designer’s name as I do?… It’s ok. I couldn’t tell you the difference between two pairs of designer shoes. We all have our specialties… but I guarantee you’ve seen Pat Bravo’s fabrics all over without even realizing it. I’ve seen her fabric all over in modern quilt examples on Pinterest, blogs, and Instagram. Her fabrics line the shelves in the quilt shops.
She is absolutely everywhere because she has 40+ collections of fabric! …40!… Talk about a busy woman!
Pat Bravo’s background and love of fabric started through learning to quilt and morphed into creating fabric for art quilts… which is one reason why her fabric is probably one of my favorites. Her designers are specially engineered to be quilt friendly.
“I see the world for its beauty and majesty. The intricate, the ornate, the royal… All of this catches my eye. You can say I have soulful eyes.” – Pat Bravo
Pat’s fabric lines are under Art Gallery Fabrics – Super high quality & amazing fabrics. The style of her collections has evolved with each new line of fabric, so there is a wide range of styles and colors to choose. Anywhere from the dainty and feminine to the bold and abstract.
In my opinion, variety in collections is a sign of a woman who knows what she likes and creates it merely because she wants to. She has had the opportunity to create so many different styles over the years.
The very first fabric that I found by Pat Bravo was this one.
Image from
I saw the gem-like patterns and the grid structure of wonderful colors. I was immediately hooked and consumed with looking for the rest of the line of fabric to see what else she offered as coordinating fabrics. Of course, there was absolutely no shortage, and I walked home with more than I went to the store for (as if I ever do NOT do this haha)
My house is decorated with subtle blues and greys, but I am such a sucker for these bright, happy rainbow collaborations too!
In case you’re curious… here are a few other fabrics from the same line, which is called Carnaby St.
Images from
The magentas mixed with the aqua and lime colors are so fun, aren’t they? Add the navy color, and you’ve got yourself a very classy, fun & modern quilt color palette!
These same colors showed up again more subtly in a more recent collection of Pat’s called “Dare.”
Image from
Before I do Pat a dis-service and lead you to believe she only works with those colors, just stop and check out this fantastic neutral color palette collection called “Heartland.” The mustard yellow/green makes me think of early spring.
Image from
I love every single one of these prints too. She has other color options with the heartland prints available also!
Once you’ve fallen in love with one of her fabrics… and how could you not? It’s time to start planning a quilt!
FREE Patterns & Templates
Lucky for you, Pat Bravo also has several free patterns available on her website as well! And here is the fun part… she has FREE patterns that spotlight each one of her collections of fabric.
The Heartland collection above has four quilt patterns available, so you even have a few choices to narrow down. 🙂
Her fabric is engineered for quilting, and her patterns reinforce the eye she has for art quilts.
Check out all Pat Bravo’s FREE quilt patterns by clicking here to visit her website.
If you’re looking for other sewing patterns, visit this page. You’ll find clutch patterns, table runners, smaller quilt blocks, pillows and more bags… All of them beautifully designed by Pat.
There are so many various fabric collections from Pat Bravo… and no sign of her slowing down her creativity anytime soon… you really need to check it out yourself on her website for your self.
Just keep in mind that a lot of fabric lines nowadays are limited prints and some of her more older collections may be harder to find.
If your local quilt shop (I always love to shop local first) doesn’t carry what you’re looking for, check online. One of my favorite places to buy online is
Here is a quick link to their sale fabrics 🙂 I mean, how else are you expected to hit to the free shipping limit?
I hope you enjoyed today’s post! If you have any questions, I would love to hear from you. Just leave me a comment below. I do try to respond to every single post!
See you again next week! Happy Quilting!