Ah! Can you feel it? The anticipation of a new year is right around the corner. This year I’ve accomplished a lot but I think I could do better at getting around to my WIP (work in progress) quilts. I say this all the time, but this time I mean it, I swear!
I’ve been working on something special that I knew I would want to share with you!

I created a quilt planner! And it is a FREE Quilt Planner! I’ve been testing it out myself over the last few months and I must say that I think it has really helped me keep my quilting thoughts together.
I’ve been tweaking it as I go and adjusting because I want this to be the most useful quilt planner out there.
You know I’m not one to promise the moon and not deliver, right? So, I’m pretty excited to share this with you finally! 🙂

No fluff, no extra wasted space, just pure potential to take the away chaos in your brain and allow you to do what you do best. 🙂 Which is, of course… create.

Let me tell you a little story…
Christen (me) Pre-Quilt Planner Days:
Literally, like 5 spiral notebooks with chicken scratch drawings of random ideas I would have throughout the day or if I was out and about. I always have a spiral with me… and my phone, but often the spiral works better for quick notes. They’re full of checklists and notes to myself so I don’t forget.
You get the point…

Christen with the new (and improved) FREE Quilt Planner:
Oh yes…. so productive. So fancy. All my quilt notes, target due dates, fabric swatches and supply lists as well as pattern names and project ideas live in one little binder. It is GLORIOUS.
Seriously, when you find a system that works for you, you can hear the thread in the sewing room sing like an choir of angels!I’m on a bit of a productive high today because I also organized the kid’s play room. Oh yes, momma did!
So if you’d like to also be organized in your sewing/quilting room, download my FREE Quilt Planner. (there is just a “sewing projects” version as well!)
And be sure to let me know what you think, won’t you? If there are any tweaks that would work better for you, I would love to hear it.