Isn’t it great when the things you own can pull double duty? Here are 8 Office supplies you can use in your sewing room!
I try not to own a crazy abundance of stuff in my home. I like the sleek minimal look. However, I tend to throw out all of those aspirations when it comes to my sewing room because in there more is better obviously.
Being a quilter or a crafter can have you hoarding litteral trash because “I could make something with this!” right?
You have to own your whatsits and your things.
Today I want to share 8 Office supplies you can use in your sewing room. These items are going to be at your side on multiple occasions and therefore are more likely to be the best bang for your buck!

Office supplies you can use in your sewing room!
1. Post-it Notes
I have already shared how much I love these things, but I’m going to do it again. The fun bright colors mean even on a crazy messy table, you’ll still be able to find your notes.
I use Post-it notes all the time for labeling my cut pieces. If I’m working on a very involved pattern that is going to take a long time, I will leave myself notes along the way so that when I come back to it I can pick up right where I left off without having to backtrack too far.
I use them as bookmarks in my patterns and tabs for patterns I frequent…. the list is endless!
2. Cheapie Scissors
Please buy a cheapie pair of inexpensive scissors for cutting your paper patterns, notes (and FREE honest crafter gift tags) wire, etc. Buy several pairs.
It’s ok to know who you are and realize that you’re going to misplace them… or another family member might end up borrowing them. It happens.
For all that is good in this world, save your fabric scissors for cutting fabric ONLY! 🙂 PS – I really like these scissors for fabric.
3. Clear Sheet Protectors & Binders
All those loose pattern pieces and freebie patterns you download? Keep them organized and all the pieces together using clear sheet protectors! And then keep your clear sheet protectors organized with a 3 ring binder. Tuck it in on a shelf and enjoy how you no longer have stacks of random papers just hoping they stay together!
For more ideas on how to organize absolutely everything in your sewing room, check out my ebook – 25 Days Creating the Sewing/craft space of your dreams! It’s a detailed step by step guide. I cover EVERYTHING!
Pssst: You can get 10% off if you use the code ISAWTHISBLOGPOST when you checkout 😉

4. Copy Paper
Maybe this one is a little obvious because we live in a digital world where you can instantly download your favorite pattern and print it off for use right away.
I still feel I have to include copy paper on this list because it is always good to buy extra when you see it on sale!
I also use it for sketching ideas and resizing patterns as well as printing on.
5. School Glue Sticks
When I’m working with patterns that require the puzzling job of matching up multiple pieces of paper… I don’t mess with tape. At least, I dont anymore. These Glue sticks are waaaaaay faster and easier.
I’ve also been told that it is a great basting tool for smaller quilt projects. I haven’t tried it yet myself, but it is on the list of things that I want to try!
You can also use a glue stick to give yourself a little help when hemming or topstitching.
Personally, I like the purple ones that then dry clear… not to say that they work any better on the ones that are already clear and dry clear… I just like the purple color. 🙂
6. Binder Clips
If you ever see some of these at a garage sale, grab them… they work all over the sewing room.
Magic clips are very similar and basically do the same thing but I really like the way that binder clips can hang on a hook for organizing. I have a few nails on my fence in the backyard and I use little clips to hold up quilts for photos.
You can also use them to close up the cheerios in the pantry… so many uses!
7. Washable Markers
Yes, I know that the fabric store has pens specifically for marking on fabric… but in a pinch, Crayola washable markers will work just as well. They’re made for 3-year-olds to use after all.
Both of my kids took it as a personal challenge to see just how many surfaces they could draw on before mommy noticed the quietness in the next room. So, yes… I’ve tested these markers on multiple surfaces and aside from eggshell paint finish… Crayola really stands true to the washable claim.
Perhaps maybe I wouldn’t go for a dark green on a delicate white fabric… but for small little marks and a notch here and there I use them all the time.
8. Organizers
Want to be all chic and feel fancy? Go visit the desk organizer section and imagine all your craft supplies instead of boring pencils and sharpies and … I don’t know… tax forms or something.
For a long time, I had to be so budget conscious and pinch every single penny. Babies are expensive and so is crafting! I used empty soup cans and cereal boxes to organize my sewing supplies – and it worked great. I still have a lot of those items because functionality-wise, they work perfectly and I’m the only one who really sees them.
I started to branch out as the diaper fund decreased and I invested in a few “pretty” items for my space to freshen it up.

Definitely hit up the back to school sales when they come out! You can check out my post on Dollar store Back to school sale items for your craft room.
To keep a minimal vibe in your home and craft space (or just to make every dollar stretch a bit further) look for items that can do double duty. These office supplies you can use in your sewing room will be useful in so many ways around the house!