I’m such a fan of online shopping for everything. So why not shop online for fabric as well? Is it the same quality? How do you know you’re getting the right fabric?

Fabric.com - The evolution of shopping for fabric

I love shopping at the quilt shops and the local fabric stores. I like to waltz through to pick out my fabrics in person. Touching the fibers and feeling for fabric quality is a very tangible thing for me… Must touch it all. (I do this in clothing stores too… I must touch it alllll.)

I remember the days when I could stick my kids in the shopping cart and throw out some snacks… It would buy me a half hour to do a little shopping when timed correctly with a good nap beforehand… I could even maybe throw out my phone (educational youtube videos only of course) and buy myself an extra 15 minutes.

Now my kids are 7 and 9, and no one fits in the shopping cart. Their feet are like heavy lead weights. I am told it is very challenging. And there is a large sigh whenever I mention that I have to ‘run by the fabric store real quick‘.

I’m a huge preacher to my kids that in life you don’t always get to do what YOU want to do yadda yadda… but Y’all… (I know you get me on this)… sometimes though, the battle just isn’t worth it.

Sometimes it is just more accessible, and more pleasant, to shop online for 10 minutes and have your fabric show up in a cute little package a few days later.

Side note, but I fought becoming a member of the amazon prime club for years. I thought I wouldn’t get enough use out of it. Once I fully embraced it and jumped in… *angels singing* I mourn the times I missed out on before.

There are a few fabric places that I like to shop online for… my favorite is www.fabric.com You will see that I promote it in several of my other posts because… I love it…

I’m trying my absolute best to simplify things in my life. I get it. Life is busy, and when you don’t have time to spare wandering around, or you get overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of fabric options in the store… fabric.com is your answer.

The Selection

For one, the amount of fabric options on fabric.com is immense. I’m talking huge. Cotton, poly, canvas… Fabric options for every project.

Do you need fabric with pandas on it? Done. Do you want one with bamboo? Done. Anything you could dream up… it is probably there. Maybe pandas are your thing? Perhaps not… but they have them!

Panda Fabric - Sewing Room Challenge

(Ha… Let’s just say I get really interesting quilt inspirations sometimes. usually late at night and I decide I MUST make a panda quilt because…. duh, super cute!)

There is apparel fabric, quilting fabric, outdoor fabric… the list goes on and on from all the fantastic designers out there.

I love my local quilt shops, but there are times when you can’t go in there expecting to find three different kinds of panda fabric, you know? Their selection is more tailored to please the masses/trendy and fashionable.

More Than Fabric

Fabric.com also carries all the sewing notions you could ever desire as well. Embellishments, bobbins, buttons, zippers, cutting tools and thread… all those little extras that make your quilt a success. All in one place and easy to shop for.

Save Money

I buy less when I shop online. Like how going to the grocery store when you’re hungry is a bad idea? Going to the fabric store when you don’t know what you need can be a bad idea.

Fabric.com offers really great sales too. And they make it easy. (No individual secret coupon codes to save 3% but you have to search through 4 websites to find the right code? Yeah, I’m all for a bargain, but I don’t want to have to perform magic to get it.)… Sale prices are listed on the fabrics and transfer right to your cart without any fuss.

Shipping is free above $49. Less than $49 is a flat $4.99 to the lower 48 Unites States. Simple. Easy.

Always check out the clearance section if you’re looking to build up your fabric stash on the cheap. (For other ways you can save money when shopping for fabric read this post. I share how I find fabric for less than $2 a yard!)


Shopping online when you can is a considerable time and money saver!

Need more hours in your day? Check out my free e-book offer below, *hint hint*… I’ll give you some awesome (totally doable) ideas you can implement TODAY. You can also read more about how to fit quilting (or fill in the blank with whatever you desire) into your busy life. I have several suggestions to help!

Happy fabric shopping!

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