Hey Hey Quilters! I have a quilt reveal to show off today! This Shimmer quilt pattern is so lovely and it is from Cluck Cluck Sew. You can find the pattern here. I (of course) changed it up just a bit by adding some sashing in between the blocks to make the quilt just a touch larger. 🙂

Quick story, I actually finished this quilt top a really really long time ago… ok not THAT long ago, but it took me way longer than it should have to actually finish the rest of the quilt.

Here is the original Shimmer Quilt reveal post: Read it here.

Shimmer Pattern by CluckCluckSew - sewing by ISeeStarsQuilting Quilt top reveal and Pattern Review

I finished this quilt top December 2018. It is now June 2021!


Its a shame for such a lovely quilt top, isn’t it?

My Shimmer Quilt Pattern is finally done now!

The quilt top sat on a shelf where I could see it and my other lovely quilt tops that are waiting to be finished. for almost 2 years…. I have a few Jelly Roll quilt tops and quick and easy baby quilts and throws. What can I say? I LOVE starting new projects!

In this Shimmer Quilt Pattern I used an Amy Butler Fabric bundle that is out of print currently. It was readily available at the time but I fell in love with this combination of colors and fabrics. I accented the pops of color with a clean solid white.

It came out better than I could have hoped for!

OK Now on to some more pictures of the quilt!

Doesn’t that quilting just make you want to squeal?!


I went with a very simple but elegant quilting style. There was no fancy ruler work inovolved. I just freehand quilted some simple “straight-ish” lines horizontally across the quilt that were about 1/4″ apart. This is very tight quilting, but the result was a very even density throughout the whole quilt.

Note: “straight-ish” isn’t an official quilting term whatsoever… its just what I called it. And I did this style because I knew that if I went with straight precise lines, any errors would be glaringly obvious, right? 🤷‍♀️

So, if I wiggle and squiggle here, there, and everywhere… it looks 100% intentional and uniform!… 😉 See what I did there? My choice was a conscious choice to make it easier on myself!

*You should try it sometime! I make me so happy when I do this!*

Looking at the finished piece now, I can’t believe I let it sit on on the shelf for so long.

I honestly thought that I had sewn this quilt top for myself and I knew I would get to it eventually with some absolutely stunning quilting, of course. a few weeks passed and then it was a few years…. oops. I don’t know where the time goes on beautiful projects like this…

Check out these cute labels!

The corner label that I got is a more recent purchase and are part of a panel of fabric from Moda. I need these in bulk, please

And one last look of the whole finished Shimmer Quilt Pattern

I really am pleased with the way it all came out having finally got around to quilt it!

Here are the pictures of a quilting project I made using the pattern called “Shimmer”. Including photos of fabrics and final products.
Here are the pictures of a quilting project I made using the pattern called "Shimmer". Including photos of fabrics and final products.

The funny thing is it didn’t end up being a quilt for me after all… I ended up gifting this quilt to a very good friend of mine. She has been so kind and supportive of me and I do believe that God knew this was going to be her quilt allllll the way back when I actually finished the top but couldn’t bring myself to quilt it!

I know that this quilt will be well taken care of and in a happy place for many many years to come.

I hope that you enjoyed taking a look at the quilt pictures! Drop me a comment if you have any questions! I would love to hear from you!

–Christen 🤩

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