I love when I learn something that is completely new and transforms my thinking brain! This half square triangle/HST Scrap trick just… yeah, I have to tell you about it and share it with you! You know those moments where you learn something and… woah. It just blows your mind? *Boom!* This was me the other day.
I am working on a block pattern from Cluck Cluck Sew called Shimmer. It’s beautiful, and I love it so much. I’ve put up a few peeks behind the scenes on my Instagram, that you may have seen if you follow me.
I love the pattern. It is coming along nicely though slowly because life keeps getting in the way. (…but that is another story for a different day)
As you sew, press and trim (etc.) you’re left with all these tiny scraps of baby triangles.
Being a scrap fabric hoarder, I couldn’t bring myself to throw them away, but I didn’t know what to do with them.
I took a quick poll with my Instagram followers and found that were unanimous and shared my gut feeling:Â DO NOT THROW THEM AWAY!
You guys really are my people. Absolute enablers, but I love you so much.
The Shimmer pattern is going to leave me with a TON of these little scraps, so I made this tiny small block as a test. I know its not perfect… but isn’t it precious?
Ready for your mind to be blown? –
Same amount of work… less time…..
Here is the HST Scrap Trick that I learned that totally made my day.
I’m really a visual learner… so I’ll show you in a succession of pictures. Step by step. This happens to be from the pattern I’m working on… but you can use these steps on any piece you’re working with HST!
- Mark your corner to corner lines to sew.
- Sew 2 lines on each block. One along your original marked blue line and another just to the outer edge of your standard 1/4″ seam. This will leave you with a scant (less than) 1/4″ inch seam. Because I’m sewing with such tiny pieces, I’m good with scant seams. Note: You can sew a half inch from your original seam which will leave you with a 1/4 inch seam on each piece after cutting. See my little booboo on the white square where you can see I picked my seam back open? I decided I wanted a tiny bit more fabric in there.
I also made a mark for my cut line so you could see. I don’t usually go to the trouble of marking before cutting.
- Go ahead and cut off your corners!
- Press your seams open or to one side, and you’re done!
It takes the same amount of work, but cuts your time down when you use this HST trick!
The alternative is to take this mess of scraps and line them up and sew each individually. Same results but more time involved lining up fabric and working with itty bitty pieces.
Bonus Content:
This is just a little extra because I’ve already shown you my HST Scrap Trick but I just have to dish a little because… isn’t this fabric pairing from Amy Buttler just AMAZING!?! I LOVE this grouping, and I can’t wait to see this quilt top finished!
I also thought you would like to see what this shimmer block looks like finished out. I’ll do another post when the whole quilt top is put together!
Happy Sewing, friends! Did you catch the post I wrote last week on unlocking the quilter’s code? It is so full of information that will have you talking like a quilting pro in no time! Check it out and let me know what you think 🙂