We recently had the pleasure of taking a little vacation-getaway. I added in some local quilt shops to our travel “to-do” list.
Since I know that not everyone is able to travel right now, I thought I would share some of my adventure with you…

[Be prepared, this post has a LOT of photos in it.]
I’m not about to pull out a big slide projector, but I wanted to give you a sense of the joy and fun that this little trip brought for us.
So here we go!…
Normally, when my husband and I take the kids on a road trip, we do the normal stops for some car snacks and try to involve the kids when we choose where to go or where to stop. Being that they are homeschooled, I always try to add in a few educational stops as well. (mommas gotta teach when the opportunity presents itself)
However, this trip… I was adamant about something that I don’t usually make it a point to work in… deliberately planning our route to include detours for quilt shops.
*I won’t lie… it kind of felt a little selfish because I know that this isn’t an activity that everyone enjoys… but it made me completely giddy too* 🥰I decided, with my husband’s blessing that I really needed to work this into our fun adventure!
I mean, it tends to happen naturally when we travel and I happen to schedule us to roll into a town that has a quilt shop about the time we would be stopping for lunch anyways… so we might as well right? 😘
Bit of backstory: Every single year for fathers day my family rents a big house out in the Texas Hill Country and we all gather together for a few nights of family fun, cooking, marshmallows, giggles and treats. It is a tradition that we look forward to every single year.
On our way to Wimberly, Texas, We drove through LaGrange, Texas.
This town is absolutely picturesque. A cute Texas town. Charming. So friendly and beautiful in every way.
They also are home to the Texas Quilt Museum! Ahem *cough* coincidence? 😉 Check out their website below and look at the upcoming exhibits if you’ll be anywhere in the area! It is absolutely worth the trip! www.texasquiltmuseum.org

Unfortunately, the museum wasn’t open when I went. (Boo. It was a bit of poor planning on a Thursday afternoon on my part). However, they have a beautiful little garden next to the museum that we got to walk through!

I would love to visit it in the spring time again. I took a lot of pictures, but please keep in mind that it is Mid-August and well over 100* F in Texas. So we’re kind of lucky that any of it is green at this point!
This is the type of place that I would love to grab a cup of tea or coffee and go spend a few hours with a good book in! Doesn’t it look so shady and lovely?

Despite the heat and really strong sunshine, there were still pretty flower blooms. You can tell that this is a very well loved garden!

In the picture below, I realize that it looks like my kids are looking at their watches out of boredom or wondering how much longer mom is going to drag them around in the hot Texas sunshine…😂 but actually there was a legit sundial in the middle of the garden and they were checking the accuracy! lol (I told you I teach where I can!)

Do you see how beautiful that wall is? That is the side of the quilt museum. How stunning is it?! It almost makes me want to paint the side of my house… I wonder how my neighbors would feel about that though?

A Little Shopping Trip Always Makes The Day Better!
I was rather disappointed about not getting to go in the museum itself, but it wasn’t a total loss, because next to the museum is a lovely little quilt shop that you CAN NOT miss if you come this way! www.thequiltedskein.com

I mean… holy modern quilter’s paradise!!!!
This shop is adorable! It is also much larger on the inside than it appears on the outside.

They also carried a lot of beautiful yarn, many different materials and price ranges as well.
Honesty check: I love yarn. I have no idea what to do with it and I can’t knit to save my life. I’m a tragic attempter at crochet – meaning, I’ll pull it out every few years thinking I’m “ready” for it, but I don’t know… I don’t think God’s children were meant to be good at everything or something 🤣 Perhaps I should just leave it to the talented ladies that make beautiful things with it?
My daughter uses a loom to knit scarves and hats on (that I can do!) so she was in heaven like I was!

And this sheep… isn’t he just the cutest?!

Another room full of fabric waiting to be scooped up by another creative soul… Also, I took this photo, because I am in LOVE with those mustard-colored upholstered chairs.

I could have spent at least 2 hours walking around and touching all the fabrics, but because I had my entourage with me, I kept it as short as I could.

These were the treasures that I took home with me. A lot of Tula Pink’s new line… and a random skein of hand died alpaca yarn that felt like touching the softest most rainbow cloud that ever existed. I am in LOVE with it!
I told you I couldn’t resist yarn… even if I am not 100% sure what to do with it...
A Few Other Texas Road Trip Treasures
I mentioned that we always indulge the kid’s requests for a few treats when we vacation. These are from a small bakery in Ellinger, Texas called Hruskas. www.hruskas-bakery.com

Also, that photo is not me being tricky with my camera or zooming way in. The cinnamon roll was split 4 ways because it was HUGE and loaded with cinnamon – just the way I like them. No skimping on the Cinnamon is the best way to get 5 stars in my book!

The kids thought this water tower was adorable. I can’t say I disagree… it was a very friendly addition to our window views.
In Wimberly, Texas
As I said, we rent the same house every year. It has like 5 bedrooms, a large kitchen and dining area, horses to feed on property and plenty of space where the whole family can get together. We also enjoy the use of the private pool and lots of time to spend together making more memories each year.
It is our haven. And it felt so nice to be able to escape for a little bit!

Just look at these views from the back porch!

If you’ve made it all the way down here, thank you 🥰 I hope that the next little vacation (or even working trip) that you get to go on you make it a point to stop at some craft shops along the way. Check out those little quilt shops and enjoy meeting some new quilting friends!
You won’t regret the wonderful time spent looking in the small business run shops!
If you have any small quilt shops that you adore, please let me know. I’m making a list so that we’ll have a good resource of the recommended shops!
If you’re curious how to find find quilt shops in your area, check out this post!
- How To: Find Local Quilt Shops
- Fabric.com – The evolution of shopping online for fabric
- Quilt Shopping List
- Fabric Shopping – The Smart Way To Do It in 6 Steps