
So much Modern Quilting! Oh, I love it! Let’s talk about my favorite quilting tips, tricks, and how-tos! Learn something new or improve on an old skill.

  • Fool-proof Quilt Binding Method (A how-to + Video)

    So you’ve got your quilt 85% complete and you are rocking this whole “quilting thing”! Congratulations! … now it is time for the binding. You may be feeling a little uneasy about it all, possibly even dreading this step because you haven’t figured out a method that really works flawlessly for you, yet? Would you laugh and say that a fool-proof quilt binding method doesn’t exist? — oh it does, and I’m going to show you how!

    How to bind your quilt - A no fail easy approach to quilt binding

    With my first several quilts, I struggled with the binding so much. There are so many different ways to do it and everyone claims their way was ‘fool -proof‘ — which really left me to wonder just how big of a fool I am if I couldn’t do it, right? yikes.

    So I did what I normally do and became hyper-obsessed with figuring out how to hack this quilt binding method thing into something I could do without stress.

    I really do love quilting, but it’s not ok to gift someone an 85% finished quilt! I knew I would have to figure it all out eventually…

    If you struggle with quilting binding, you are not alone! I'll show you how I learned to hack this step in the quilting process and make it fool-proof (I promise!) so you never struggle with it again!

    So, I started doing my research, I watched video after video on youtube. This also included looking at other bloggers that I admired to try and gain their wisdom.

    I asked all my quilting friends and I even approached a stranger in the fabric store that looked like she really knew her stuff (totally true story).

    What I wound up with was a quilt binding method that wasn’t complicated. It didn’t require me doing any gymnastics or pulling out my magic wand. It isn’t rocket science and I certainly didn’t re-invent the wheel here!

    But it works. And it works well… every single time. Flawlessly.

    This sweet baby quilt pattern is a FREE download that I designed to be easy fro all levels of quilting! Just look at this sweet flamingo print! Its adorable! Did I mention the FREE pattern? ;) Check it out, download it and save it for later!

    So what is my secret no stress, Fool-proof binding method?

    If all of the above rings true for you and you’re maybe starting to feel a little defeated by this whole quilting world… I want you to stop. Stop it right now.

    Sit up a little straighter and puff out your chest a bit.

    Do it.

    I don’t know why, but if you can fake a little confidence, you actually really do gain just a little bit. Fake it till you make it! πŸ˜‰

    You got this. I promise!

    You know that I have a desire to make all the complicated hard parts of quilting accessible and attainable for the beginner quilter. – Everyone should really enjoy quilting!

    I made this video that goes over step by step – everything you need to know – detailed explanation of how to sew your quilt binding on. No extra fluff stuff, I promise. πŸ™‚

    Video highlights:

    • Calculating fabric needs
    • Common binding sizes
    • Connecting binding pieces together
    • Attaching it to your quilt
    • How to be the boss of those corners – perfect corners every time!
    • Alternatives to sewing a straight seam
    • Ideas on ways to make it your own!

    Really, this is THE video you need to watch on quilt binding. πŸ™‚

    Check it out. Let me know what you think! Leave me a comment that lets me know your thoughts. Give my fool-proof quilt binding method a try and see if you stress a little less with your next quilt binding!

    If you would like other tips on how busy people fit quilting into our days, check out the FREE download below! It is one of my most popular downloads! You can also join the ISeeStarsQuilting Community and stay up to date on all the fun tips and videos that I share as well as when a new pattern is released πŸ™‚

  • How to Wash & Care For Your Quilt + Free Printable

    How wonderful and sweet the gift of a handmade quilt is! It is the gift that can live on for a lifetime… Today we’re going to discuss how to wash and care for your quilt so that it does last a lifetime!

    I’ve also included a FREE printable card with quilt instructions that you can download and print out that you can gift with your quilts! [you’ll find it at the bottom of this post!]

    Many quilts can live on to be heirloom/family quilts… unless you don’t care for them properly, in which case it can end up ruined… πŸ™ – But don’t let that scare you! The worst care I’ve ever seen for a quilt is being tucked away in a closet where no one will ever see it or use it! *gasp* Absolutely tragic, I tell you!

    The fact is that most people who aren’t like you and me… you know… “quilters” simply don’t understand. And we can’t fault them for that, but we can educate them!

    There is no way to gently tell the person that you’re giving a quilt to how MUCH WORK goes into make a quilt. Like, so much work. Hours are spent planning and shopping, prepping and cutting before you even put one single stitch into that fabric.

    These sassy printable gift tags are available for FREE download! Perfect for use on every single gift DIY gift!

    (I created these Honest Gift tags that add a little sass (and a lot of truth) to the handmade gift item that you’re giving! And they’re a free download too!)

    Truth is, you are not doing all this hard work to have someone mistreat your quilt!

    Here are a few things you need to tell your incredibly lucky new quilt owners.

    1) I want you to use this quilt!

    The best way to keep a quilt fresh and the fabric bouncy and non-stuffy smelling is to USE it! Keep it out in the open air and touch it. Just walk past it and pet it from time to time. Snuggle it!

    This quilt is heirloom quality, meaning it will last a really long time, but please don’t seal it up and stuff it into a closet where it will never see the light of day! That is not what it was made for.

    Quilts are best appreciated if you cover up with it and unwind after a long day.

    2) If you have to wash it… ask yourself this…

    Its totally ok to wash your quilt! (actually, gross if you thought otherwise) I have kids. For years my husband and I joked “this is why we don’t have nice things” when any of us trip or spill things… myself included. Believe me, if a quilt can survive toddler years at my house… you’re going to be just fine

    Can I spot clean the quilt?

    If you just have a little are where the quilt got some juice on it or grubby cheeto hands thought it was a napkin, try to spot clean your quilt first. (See Below for suggestions on products to use)

    When was the last time I washed the quilt?

    Unless you’re just a really messy person or using the quilt really hard all the time… you shouldn’t need to wash your quilt more than once a year. (Yes, you read that right.)

    By all means, if it smells… please wash it – or hit it with a light spray of fabreeze if you’re just not ready for a single piece more of laundry. I won’t judge.

    3) Can I machine wash it?

    Yes! If you’ve decided that your quilt HAS to be fully washed, then you can do it by machine.

    Set your washer on the most delicate setting it has, usually “gentle cycle”. And only use cold water.

    Hot water will encourage those colors to bleed and we don’t want that.

    Can I put it in the dryer too?

    If you have the time and space, airdrying is preferred.

    However, I usually put mine in the dryer on the delicate setting and get it MOSTLY dry. I’ll pull it out while it is still a little damp and then lay it out where it can air dry the rest of the way. It seems much flufflier this way to me.

    4) What soap should I use?

    Definitely no bleach. I shouldn’t have to say that… but you never know… so again, no bleach! You’ll want to use a mild detergent.

    I’ve listed links to a few of my favorite brands and ones that I’ve seen other quilters swear by.

    5) What do I do if I am worried about the Fabric Dye Bleeding?

    This is never a fun experience to go through! Please make sure that if you have a really bright and colorful quilt (or do it even if you don’t have wild colors just to be safe) throw in a few Shout Color Catchers or Retayne in your wash. It is just a little insurance policy that will save your tail should the worst start to happen while the quilt is washing.

    It is always a good idea to make a little quilt care package when you give it away to it’s new home. If you own some of the special quilt soap, add a few tablespoons to a marked container as well as a few color catchers! Your new quilt parents will be much more likely to use them if they have them laying around!

    Have you ever made a quilt and then stopped to cry when you realized the fabrics were bleeding after being washed? - Relax! I have the solution you've been looking for! This little secret will save your fabric sanity!

    Shout Color Catchers look a bit like a dryer sheet. It catches dye that bleeds into the wash water and traps it on the color catcher so it sneaky bleed into your lighter colors. Retayne helps to seal dye into the fabric.

    For more info on how to stop a bleeding quilt, read this post on How to stop a bleeding quilt.

    6) What if I prefer to hand-wash my quilt?

    Yay you! Hand washing is actually really easy and I think the quilts actually prefer this method over being thrown in a big spinny machine!

    If you have a vintage quilt or a quilt that is hand quilted with applique, you’ll definitely want to hand wash to increase the lifetime of your quilt.

    • You will need a big tub. Fill it with cold water and gentle detergent.
    • Completely submerge your quilt under the water. Agitate it gently for about 10 minutes.
    • Drain the soapy water, and then refill your tub with clean cold water again.
    • You can add Β½ cup of distilled white vinegar to your water. The vinegar clears the quilt of any detergent residue.
    • Keep rinsing with cold water until the suds are gone.


    I made this PDF download. It has all your quilt care and washing suggestions handy in 8.5″ x 11″ sheet that you can print over and over and gift along with your quilt!

    I’ve also included a “history of your quilt” page as well. It is a wonderful place to explain why you made the quilt or chose certain fabrics and it helps ensure that the story of the quilt will not be lost with you.

    I often find that it is really tough to remember what all I wanted to say when I’m giving away a quilt… mostly because I’m just so excited to finally see the quilt in their hands that I get distracted and forget! So I’ve been trying to take a few minutes and write down what I want to say on the card. It’ll be another treasured keepsake to keep with the quilt πŸ™‚

    For more ideas on what to gift with a quilt, check out this post. 4 Important things to include when you gift a quilt.

    Let me know what you think about the download and if you have any other questions! I’m happy to help!

  • An Answer to Quilting Woes! aka A Rescue for the Busy Girl!

    I can’t speak for how people in other parts of the world answer the question “how are you doing?” but here (and for a while now) the answer has been “busy, but good!” I hear other mamas say it to me all the time!

    And honestly, life IS good. But we’re always on the go and always busy. There is that word again… It’s a mystery how we can fit in one more single thing into our schedules much less a time-consuming hobby like quilting!

    But I can’t help it! I LOVE to quilt. I LOVE to sew! And I really love making things for my family. Seeing them snuggled up on the couch with one of my quilts brings me so much joy!

    I’ve learned that doing things for myself makes me a better mom and a better wife, but doing those things for myself doesn’t have to come at the cost of not being able to care for my family.

    It is totally possible!

    And I think its really a necessary part of life to try and figure out how to squeeze it in.

    “BUT HOW?” you ask…

    I get it, we all want to quick fix answer. I’ve never been one to hold back secrets that can help others!

    Over the past several years I have developed little tricks and figured out how to squeeze in bits of time to do the things I love. Quilting being one of them! And I’m going to share them with you today!

    I’ve created a FREE download e-book that explains my whole philosophy on the idea and how to implement it into your own life. Don’t worry it is short! and you can start working through it TODAY!

    I’m also really excited to announce that I’m releasing 5 new patterns in my shop today that are made for YOU!

    Yes, YOU – The busy girl who desires to create beautiful quilts that look complicated but are actually achievable in the midst of our busy lives!

    Yes! You can totally do this! πŸ™‚ Click on over and check them out! The feedback that I’ve had from my pattern testers is amazing. I can’t wait to see what you create with these patterns!

    Think you're too busy to quilt? - I can show you how to make it work without giving up precious time with you family! FREE download with instant tips for success!
  • What Can I Do For You?

    I’m on a mission this year. It’s 2019 and maybe its because I’m reaching my mid-30s *gasp, yes I just totally told you how old I am… how un-lady-like of me!* But here the thing… I’m on a mission to really cut out the extra fluff and do more for my readers, but I need your help. So I’m just going to come right out and ask for it, ok?

    I love each and every one of you (like, so much). I love your e-mails and I love seeing the beautiful quilts you create and answering your questions via e-mails. I love bonding over fabric and tea and patterns etc.

    So my goal this year is to create more books and patterns to help the busy quilter… but I would like to know more about you and what will be of most help to you.

    So what do you say? I have a short survey for you to fill out (I promise it’s painless!) I would be ever so thankful if you’d take 5 minutes to fill it out.

    Thank you!

    — Christen

    (You’ll be redirected to a Survey form on Google Docs)
  • FREE Quilt Planner!

    Ah! Can you feel it? The anticipation of a new year is right around the corner. This year I’ve accomplished a lot but I think I could do better at getting around to my WIP (work in progress) quilts. I say this all the time, but this time I mean it, I swear!

    I’ve been working on something special that I knew I would want to share with you!

    Download this FREE quilt planner and get organized so that you can create more! 6 pages of everything you need. nothing you don't!

    I created a quilt planner! And it is a FREE Quilt Planner! I’ve been testing it out myself over the last few months and I must say that I think it has really helped me keep my quilting thoughts together.

    I’ve been tweaking it as I go and adjusting because I want this to be the most useful quilt planner out there.

    You know I’m not one to promise the moon and not deliver, right? So, I’m pretty excited to share this with you finally! πŸ™‚

    Download this FREE quilt planner and get organized so that you can create more! 6 pages of everything you need. nothing you don't!

    No fluff, no extra wasted space, just pure potential to take the away chaos in your brain and allow you to do what you do best. πŸ™‚ Which is, of course… create.

    Download this FREE quilt planner and get organized so that you can create more! 6 pages of everything you need. nothing you don't!
    Download this FREE quilt planner and get organized so that you can create more! 6 pages of everything you need. nothing you don't!

    Let me tell you a little story…

    Christen (me) Pre-Quilt Planner Days:

    Literally, like 5 spiral notebooks with chicken scratch drawings of random ideas I would have throughout the day or if I was out and about. I always have a spiral with me… and my phone, but often the spiral works better for quick notes. They’re full of checklists and notes to myself so I don’t forget.

    You get the point…

    Download this FREE quilt planner and get organized so that you can create more! 6 pages of everything you need. nothing you don't!

    Christen with the new (and improved) FREE Quilt Planner:

    Oh yes…. so productive. So fancy. All my quilt notes, target due dates, fabric swatches and supply lists as well as pattern names and project ideas live in one little binder. It is GLORIOUS.

    Seriously, when you find a system that works for you, you can hear the thread in the sewing room sing like an choir of angels!I’m on a bit of a productive high today because I also organized the kid’s play room. Oh yes, momma did!

    So if you’d like to also be organized in your sewing/quilting room, download my FREE Quilt Planner. (there is just a “sewing projects” version as well!)

    And be sure to let me know what you think, won’t you? If there are any tweaks that would work better for you, I would love to hear it.

  • Time Out Quilts: How to get the motivation to finish your quilt!

    I got this question in my inbox the other day and I thought I would answer it today: How do you get the motivation to finish your quilt? you know, the ones in time out that you’re sick of and don’t want to sew anymore.

    Haha, first, I have yet to meet a quilter who doesn’t have some form of a “time out” corner or drawer or closet of some sort. How long the quilt stays there is obviously up to the quilter. It varies from a few weeks to a few months to I don’t even know when that quilt was from?

    Enough is enough. Quit punishing your quilts by making them sit unfinished in their time out chairs!

    How do you get the motivation to finish your quilt?

    I am a semi seasonal purger. It comes in spurts out of no where. I suddenly feel like I can’t take one more second surrounded by all the clutter, unfinished projects and mental obstacles around the house.

    I want to be a hybrid minimal-mom-who-loves-trinkets. Does that exist? Not that I’m aware of…

    I can put my unfinished quilts in a nice folded pile where no one else sees the unfinished edges or the fact that it is only the pieced top and I have to still quilt it.

    But its still there… I know it’s secrets. It’s always taunting me in the corner, waiting for it’s turn.

    I can be good at hiding the fact that it still requires hours of work and I’m just not inspired by it anymore. 

    That is really what it comes down to, right?

    I was inspired by this (fabric, pattern, person… whatever) and it motivated at one point but now…. meh. I have other things that interest me now. 

    So how do you fix it?

    1. Find an another motivation.

    Seriously – If the reason that you started that quilt in the first place was to make it for someone as a gift, then set a new goal. Hey, their birthday is coming up in 2 months or arbor day is in 4 months! Whatever you have to do or tell yourself. 

    I am really goal oriented so this works for me.

    Create that initial desire again to finish it for the person. – Even if you have to Fake yourself out and make up some bogus reason (like Arbor Day, It is a real thing to celebrate if you have a quilt finished by then! I know from experience.)

    2. Pull that quilt out in the wide open where you are forced to see it every single day.

    Out of sight, out of mind works like a charm. If I pull it out in the middle of my home or my sewing room where I am forced to work around it and move it every time I want to get to something under it then….. oooooooh, *insert eye twitching*. Let’s just say things get done.

    This solution does not work for my kids. If I purposely put their toys in the middle of the room for them to clean up or laundry to put away, they will walk around it for a week and a half before even noticing it. – so this might not work for everyone πŸ™‚

    3. Find another purpose for it

    I had several quilts that I adored the fabric at one point but it really has no place in my house. I would get started on a quilt with foxes and then halfway through, get distracted by the cute little squirrel print from TulaPink (true story).

    I like foxes with glasses but I know it won’t be my first choice for a cuddle up quilt. 

    So what do you do? – Finish it up and donate it! You can read more about charity quilts here and where you can donate here.

    looking for a way that you can give back and use those quilting skills? - I've put together a big list of places that you can feel good about contributing to to donate your finished (and partial) quilts!

    Quilters are loving and generous people. Donating a quilt is like donating a hug to someone who desperately needs it. 

    4. Simplify your design.

    Look, I get it. You started out ambitious and this is going to be the grandest quilt to ever be a quilt! and now you may be feeling like you jumped in too soon and too deep. 

    Take a step back and decide where you can cut a few corners. (Figuratively, not literally.) Quilting is an art form.

    Add in a few coordinating solid blocks.

    Remix that pattern and call it DONE!

    Done and finished is much better than unfinished and unused or sitting on a shelf waiting for “someday”.

    5. Sell it!

    Make that money and buy new fabric! (or add a little extra to your family vacay fund)

    Contact your friends and ask if anyone needs a handmade gift. Mention that your family has a goal or just say you’re looking to purge some really great quilts! Then, get your tail to the sewing machine and go at it!

    I don’t want to burst your bubble but MOST people will not be willing to pay what a quilt is actually worth. Let’s face it. Quilting is NOT a cheap hobby.Β Fabric is expensive and hours spent at the sewing machine … you’ll likely not get paid what YOU are worth. Unless of course, you have rich friends.

    So before you start counting your Scrooge McDuck Money take a really good look at your network and decide what is the likely price range you can offer. Don’t sell yourself short but be realistic.

    Heirloom quilts have a nostalgic beauty to them that ca not be replaced, but a target blanket will keep you warm too for a lot less $$. (*ugh. reality check*)

    6. Find a friend and swap projects. 

    I LOVE this. Swap the projects that you hate and challenge yourself to look at it in a new way. Set a few ground rules if it makes you feel more comfortable. 

    Sometimes, it doesn’t matter what your motivation is for finishing it, you just get sick of looking at the darn quilt and it is time for it to go!

    7. Set up a Reward system for yourself

    I’m a mom, ok? I thought I had perfected the whole “bribing system” until my daughter decided that the piece of chocolate I was offering was not worth taking a bath for and she could do without both.

    But it totally works on me. If I have a really tough week ahead, I will schedule out an open block of time on my calendar to do something fun. A reward for making it through the week! Woohoo!

    Usually, I’ll let me kids play on their tablets for a few hours (gasp! – Its educational games I’ve selected) and I will sit my happy self down to my sewing machine and take some me time. Does it mean that its uninterrupted or always the most productive? No, but I enjoy it.

    I’ve also been known to go and buy a new pattern or a new fabric and dangle it in front of myself like a carrot on a string until I finish a current project.

    What can I say? I’m basically a 2 year old when it comes to motivational techniques.

    Places to donate fabric, scrap fabric and unfinished quilts

    If all else fails and you just want it out of your hair and off your worry list… let someone else take care of it for you. 

    Consider Donating to:

    • Girl Scout or Boy Scout groups
    • Ask a guild if anyone wants it! – Lots of ladies may know beginner quilter who could use the practice and would be happy to add on to your quilt.
    • Local animal shelters (or make your own pet beds to donate by filling a pillowcase with scraps and sewing the opening closed)
    • Art teachers/elementary schools/home school groups
    • High school sewing classes
    • Local prison inmate sewing programs
    • Church missionary or charity groups
    • Local quilt guild charity projects
    • Ask your local quilt shop if they accept donations for charity quilts or community projects

    I hope this list helped you see there there are plenty of options for pulling your quilts out of time out… they have suffered unused without a purpose long enough, haven’t they?? πŸ™‚

    If you have any other ideas please feel free to add to the list and let me know in the comments. This blog will be updated as a resource for future readers. Happy sewing!